Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 at Kingsbrook View Primary Academy. We are very excited to share our learning journey with you!
This page will give you up to date information about our classes such as newsletters, key dates and details about our wonderful learning experiences.
Year 3 is an exciting and important year in your child’s education as they transition from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two. Throughout this year, we will cover some amazing topics and continue to develop key skills from the National Curriculum. In the Autumn Term, we will be learning some fantastic facts about our topics: Settlements, The Stone Age, Forces and Magnets, Netball, Festivals and so much more. We will do this in a engaging way, ensuring that we embed our Academy values. We believe strongly in our school motto “Growing Together To Achieve Dreams” and strive towards this daily.
In Year 3, we aim for children to become independent learners. To do this we have high expectations and encourage children to:
- * be independent in academy routines and in their learning
- * have excellent attendance
- * be hard-working and always try their best
- * be effective learners
- * follow the academy rules
- * treat people the way they want to be treated
- * enjoy their time at KVPA
In Year 3, we are extremely fortunate to have two class teachers and two brilliant teaching assistants, we will also have Mrs Hunt joining us as a student teacher in Autumn 2. This will ensure that every member of our class will access the support, and challenge, that they need. We acknowledge the importance of positive relationships and strive to build these with every child in our classrooms, as well as fostering a strong home/school partnership.
Meet the team
Mrs Ibbotson |
Miss Saleem |
Mrs Atherton |
Miss Long |
Mrs Hunt |
Our Timetable
3I Timetable
3S Timetable
Coming soon...
Our Curriculum
Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2024-2025Year 3, Autumn 1, knowledge organiser
Children will be given a banded reading book to take home. Please ensure that books are in the Academy daily, so that we can also listen to the children read. Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week and should record this in their reading journal.
Books will be changed weekly or when they have finished (it may be longer than a week for chapter books). If your child has finished their book, please read it with them again, this helps to develop fluency, expression and to encourage the recognition of words. Children can also read their library book or any books they have at home. Any reading can be recorded in the reading journal. Please ensure that two activities are completed each week.
Activities may be set on Mathletics relating to the topic being taught in class or for retrieval practice. Children can also reinforce their Maths facts but completing live Mathletics activities. Children can use Times Tables RockStars to develop their times tables fluency skills.
Other homework will be set on Purple Mash at various points throughout the year. This will compliment or reinforce any class based learning.
Please click on the button below for Year 3 spelling overview which includes spelling rules taught and example words.
Year 3 Spellings Home Learning
In Year 3, children will take part in weekly swimming at Aqua Vale Leisure Centre.
This will form part of their weekly PE timetable and will take place on Friday afternoon.
All children will travel to and from the pool by coach to attend a 30-minute lesson and be taught by a qualified swimming teacher.
Children’s swimming ability will be assessed in the first few weeks and then they will be grouped so that beginners are taught slowly how to swim and confident swimmers are extended.
Every Friday, all children will need the following in a clearly named carrier bag:
• A suitable swimming costume: boys must wear plain black or green trunks (not swimming shorts for safety reasons – if they bring swimming shorts, they will not be permitted to swim) girls must wear a plain green or black one-piece costume
• A towel
• A swimming cap (children will not be allowed in the pool without a swimming cap)
Please ensure children’s names are clearly written on all school clothes (including shoes etc.) and swimming gear to avoid any lost property or confusion when getting changed.
Important notes:
• ALL jewellery must be removed on swimming days
• Children must be able to dress and undress themselves
• Deodorants, creams and lotions etc. of any sort are not permitted
Boys and girls will have separate changing rooms but both male and female members of Academy staff will supervise the changing rooms.
3I will be swimming from September until February half term and 3S from February to July.