Family Support
The Family Support Service offers support to children, young people and families with children and young people aged 0 to 19 (or up to 25 years with a special educational need or disability).
Support with issues affecting families
The Family Support Service offer a number opportunities to access help within groups for:
- Parenting support
- Early years developmental issues
- Youth work programmes
- Support for those affected by domestic abuse
- Family Learning
The Family Support Service can work with families, children or young people who need help because they are:
- Excluded from school or having difficulties engaging with education
- Currently or at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
- Affected by domestic abuse or parental conflict
- Demonstrating risk-taking behaviour
- Impacted by the consequences of substance misuse
- Affected by poor mental health
- Impacted by poor attachments or relationships within the family
- Having difficulty parenting in a consistent way
- Impacted by financial problems and debt
- Having difficulty maintaining boundaries and expectations within the home
- Involved with the criminal justice system
- Young carers
- Vulnerable to exploitation
- In a home environment impacting on the health and well-being of a child
You can request support for a child, young person or family online if you are:
- A professional, requesting support on behalf of a family or child
- A family member, requesting support for you or your family
- A young person, requesting support for yourself
Click on the link below to access the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service. Parents can also call 01296 383 293 for any information, someone is on duty from 9-5pm
Click the link below for information about parenting courses run by The Family Support Service:
Click the link below to make a referral to The Family Support Service:
Current Family Support events:
Parenting and Relationship Support
- RELATE- Relationship counselling
- Family Lives Support- Parenting Support
- Action for Children- parenting support for 0-5 year olds
- Care for the Family- Parent Support
- Barnardo's- Family Support
Financial and Practical Support for families
- Aylesbury Food Bank
- List of Debt advice services from Bucks Mind
- Money Housing and Food help from Bucks Family Information Service
Support Services for the victims of Domestic Violence
- Local Womens Aid 01296 437777
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline 0808 2000 247
- Safe Lives
Bereavement Services
- Cruse Bereavement Care
- At a Loss
- Child Bereavement UK 0800 0288 840