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Kingsbrook View Academy

Growing Together to Achieve Dreams

Outdoor Learning






Kingsbrook View is lucky enough to have a large amount of green space both on and around the Academy site... But outdoor learning is so much more...

What is outdoor learning?

Outdoor learning is a broad term that includes: outdoor play (learning through play), academy grounds projects, environmental education, recreational and adventure activities, personal and social development, work within the local community and more. Outdoor learning does not have a clearly defined boundary but it does have a common core in that it can provide a dramatic contrast to the indoor classroom. There is strong evidence that good quality outdoor learning adds much value to classroom learning. It leads to a deeper understanding of concepts that span traditional subject boundaries and which are frequently difficult to teach effectively using classroom methods alone.

Where might outdoor learning take place?

The school grounds: We are exceptionally lucky to have extensive grounds, a pond and wildlife area, a Forest School and a Amphitheatre, which offer excellent opportunities for both formal and informal learning.

The local environment and community: The locality around our academy harbours a wealth of opportunities within an accessible distance. Learners can develop their skills to explore their local environment including nature reserves, parks, canal, woodland areas. Within the town, there are places of worship, parks, libraries and places of business.

Educational visits: School trips are of great benefit to children's learning as they broaden and enhance our academy curriculum. We take our pupils on a number of day visits and also provide a variety of in-school visits, visitors and events starting from the Foundation Stage.

Residential places: Staying away from home is a powerful way of developing key life skills, building confidence, self-esteem, communication and team working. Our residential visits provide children with an opportunity to widen their range of experiences and find new skills and interests in which they may excel.

Outcomes for high quality Outdoor Learning:

When planning children’s outdoor learning opportunities we include outcomes based on both academic and social/motivational aspects. The 10 outcomes for high quality outdoor learning are taken from the English Outdoor Council. They are:

1. Enjoyment

Young people enjoy participating in outdoor activities and adopt a positive attitude to challenge, learning and adventure.

2. Confidence and character

Young people are developing personal confidence and character through taking on challenges and achieving success.

3. Health and wellbeing

Young people are learning to appreciate the benefits of physical fitness and the lifelong value of participation in healthy active leisure activities.

4. Social and emotional awareness

Young people are developing their self-awareness and social skills, and their appreciation of the contributions and achievements of themselves and of others.

5. Environmental awareness

Young people are becoming alive to the natural environment and understand the importance of conservation and sustainable development.

6. Activity skills

Young people are acquiring and developing a range of psychomotor skills in support of their participation in outdoor pursuits, recreation and exploration.

7. Personal qualities

Young people are demonstrating increased initiative, self-reliance, responsibility, perseverance, tenacity and commitment.

8. Skills for life

Young people are developing and extending their key skills of communication, problem-solving, leadership and teamwork.

9. Increased motivation and appetite for learning

Young people are displaying an increased motivation and appetite for learning that is contributing to raised levels of attainment and progress in other aspects of their development.

10. Broadened horizons

Young people are broadening their horizons and becoming open to a wider range of employment opportunities and life chances, life choices and lifestyles.

 Click here to view Outdoor Learning policy

Forest School

Kingsbrook View children in Foundation Stage, Y1, Y2 and Y3 have the opportunity to take part in Forest School with a qualified Forest School leader.

Forest School involves outdoor learning, developing independence, problem solving, speaking and listening and many more aspects of development that are invaluable to great progress at school.