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Kingsbrook View Academy

Growing Together to Achieve Dreams

Academy HousES

Our house system is designed to embody the values and ethos of the academy and is an integral part of our academy community. It promotes healthy competition and group integrity amongst our children.

Each pupil is allocated a house when they join the academy (siblings will be in the same house) and pupils will earn House Points for a range of reasons such as class work, behaviour, participation etc. House points will be collated at the end of the term and the winning house will receive a reward. This encourages team work and collaboration.

House captains are elected through a democratic vote, in line with our promotion of British Values, and captains are expected to demonstrate and promote the academy's core values: aspiration, resilience, integrity and respect. Houses will meet termly for 'House Assemblies' and adults across the academy are also assigned houses.

House events and competitions, such as sports, art and maths, are held so that children can work within their house teams to earn house points. 

Our houses are named after birds of prey: tenacious, focused and resilient species that are known to live and thrive around the locality and Buckinghamshire.





House Captains

In September 2023, we held a House Assembly where our Year 4 children put themselves forward and delivered incredible and inspiring speeches. All the houses then went away and did a secret ballot and voted for their House Captain.
What a wonderful way to show democracy!
The chosen house captains are:
Red Kite – Ethan
Buzzard – Francesca 
Kestrel – Zoe
Osprey - Henry
Our captains will be responsible for encouraging their houses, helping lead house events, counting house points and being role models to all pupils. A great job – well done to our House Captains!

This terms winning house

House points are counted at the end of each term.


Winning house Spring Term 24


We pleased to announce that this terms winning house was....




We are now on the home run with only summer term left for the children to collect as many house point tokens as possible.

All the tokens through the Academic year will be counted up with the winning house being crowned on Sports Day.