Thinking of joining IFPT?
If you are considering joining us, please have a look at the information below and contact Jon Mason at for more information.
We are currently recruiting a Trust Member. If you would like to apply, please click the below link:
Inspiring Futures Partnership Trust (IFPT) was established in August 2018 and was founded by the Trustees and staff of Chepping View Primary Academy. Our Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) was created to provide an outstanding education for all of the children in our Trust. In addition, IFPT fosters collaboration between schools and academies and aims to develop a self-sustaining team of highly skilled and passionate staff. IFPT is driven by the desire to further develop our existing outstanding practice, identify and nurture high quality focused leadership and bring about rapid and sustainable school/academy improvement.
Inspiring Futures Partnership Trust is confident that this can be achieved because:
- We have been providing an Ofsted judged outstanding level of primary education since 2006
- Since 2006 our National Support School status has enabled us to successfully provide school to school support to more than 40 primary schools/academies to improve the quality of their provision and leadership. Many of these support projects were commissioned by the Department for Education or the Local Authority
- The Trust leads Wycombe and Marlow Teaching School Alliance and provides a diverse range of high quality professional development courses and opportunities including National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
- Our Trust includes a School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) centre which, since 2015, has trained, supported and awarded Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to over 120 new teachers
- At all levels we have a highly skilled and committed team who are focused upon achieving our vision. This includes NLEs and SLEs who provide support to schools outside the Trust.
The Future
Inspiring Futures Partnership Trust currently contains three primary academies. It is our aim (with the full support of the Department for Education) to grow to a family of at least 5 primary academies by 2024. It will be a community working together to support each other to provide a first class primary education to all children. We will actively attract and retain the highest calibre staff by providing first class continuous professional development, educational opportunities and empowerment to ensure the best education professionals are kept within our Trust. IFPT is looking to grow through opening new primary academies and by welcoming sponsored and convertor academies into our Trust.
Join Us
IFPT is distinct from most other multi academy trusts as we do not believe in educational replication and standardisation. We are an inclusive and collaborative trust, bringing together like-minded people to work together, learn together and succeed together.
Inspiring Futures Partnership Trust’s founder academy, Chepping View Primary Academy, has a long and strong history of working in partnership to support other primary schools in Bucks and beyond to create environments where children and staff can thrive. IFPT carries forward the ethos of its founder organisation with a strong sense of moral purpose to provide the best education for all children. The capacity and quality of our school improvement support service means that IFPT is well placed to enable all of its academies to become at least good and strive to be outstanding.
Through our Teaching School Alliance and SCITT, IFPT brings the benefits of a larger MAT but with a local and personal feel and structure. As our Trust grows, we may develop cluster arrangements across Bucks so academies are grouped together in geographical groups, encouraging local collaboration.
IFPT encourages existing academies to retain their own ethos and unique qualities, offering headteachers a degree of autonomy (where appropriate) in leading their schools, whilst giving them the freedom to focus on teaching and learning. Where academies need support and intervention to improve, it is always provided proportionate to need.
The management fee charged to all academies in our Trust funds our fully centralised Trust support offer, an offer that is open and honest and focused upon partnerships. The management fee is reviewed on an annual basis and individual academy requirements are considered. The management fee contributes towards the cost of the following:
- Educational Advice and Support
- Leadership Support
- Marketing, Income Generation and Compliance
- Premises
- Recruitment and Retention
- Governance
- Finance and Resources
- Information Technology
Bucks County Council provide the following:
- Admissions into Foundation Stage/Reception
- Appeals (academies are charged per appeal)
- Exclusions and Reintegration
- Educational Visits (Evolve)
- Bucks School Web – Schools Management Support, School Closures, Vacancy advertising